
already owning a blog? here’s trick so that you can increase your income!

Howdy readers, before you do anything to blog like making it beatiful or making money from it, you first need to know how to start a blog!

Professional blogger’s:- these are the blogger’s who are only about to earn money. They want to make living from it.

There are some owner’s of the blog’s who had successfully created and a perfect blog and are earning more than a living. For ex:- the owner of the blog, Smart blogger, Jon morrow, who earns more than $100k per month.

In his blog he has mentioned that in the month of January he was able to earn more than $150k from his blog, but that was his one of the best month’s of his lifetime.

I have also read his blog and I must say that his blog inspired to start mine. He usually earns about $100k a month.

But he is experienced and a professional blogger and he has worked with few big blog’s like Copyblogger and Kissmetrics and these blog’s earns big.

Another example of the same is a blog named Shoutmeloud is operated by an Indian. He is a also a famous blogger in blogging community.

He also earns about $30k to $35k per month. These blog’s and their owner’s are blogging giant’s. but we can’t ignore their hardwork , dedication and patience.

There are other blogger’s also who earn big but I will be soon posting a blog on this topic to.

How to start a blog on the internet.

It’s very easy to start a blog online and requires a small investment like $50 to $60 per month. You can also start a free blog but you are freezed in them. You cannot work with your freedom and can’t earn a big money and earning money is difficult to.

There are some site’s like :- and many other. The wordpress is the most frequently used website to make free blog’s. but they don’t allow to take a free domain. In simple word’s, your domain will come with for ex. or but io would recommend to make a blog with your .com/.org one’s. but if you want to try it once then you can go for the free one’s too.

Step’s to make a blog.

  • Choose a blogging platform.

Register a domain name and hosting.

Also read :- ways you didn’t know through which you choose a perfect donain name

Also read:-how to choose best hosting for your blog and website

  • Design your blog.
  • Add posts and pages.
  • Start growing your blog.
  • Add google adsense or affiliate advertising
  • Earn money.

Seems so easy just open a blog, create a blog, add some content, and earn money.

It’s not that simple. Never ever think blogging is not a easy task. It the work for an patient person. You might not get any traffic by the time your blog become’s 10 day’s old. This is where you need to use some blogging tactics.

  1. Be patient and willing to be fail:- just be patient you need to work hard on your blog. You will even fail but try again with experience. I remember before starting this blog I have started around 2-3 blog’s. I put my lot of time in it but in the end it failed. Being a patient guy I started other and could not succeed. B But after failing I still learnt new thing’s which helped me a lot and I have created this third blog of mine which I can probably earn traffic and earn money as well. everybody dream’s is to earn money but it requires hard work and patience.
  2. Never think you will get anything for free (traffic):- if you think you will get the traffic very easily without making efforts, then remember it’s a dream and wake up. You need to follow some tactic’s such as advertising your blog’s all around the net. Instead of posting new blog’s everyday rather you should promote your old blog’s more. You can advertise your blog on social media or common question site’s such as join a facebook group of the niche you are working on and answer the questions, or find question posted by the people on quora or similar to that and answer the question and share your blog address on the answer and people might visit your blog. Never ever write your full article in the answer before texting your link in the answer. If you give the whole article why would anyone visit your Blog. Give a highlight of your blog while giving the answer or a teaser like answer which will encourage people to visit your blog.
  3. Use tool’s provided by wordpress in the publishing area:- however, your blog start’s to get ton’s of traffic online and are unable to handle them all single handedly then you can take help from these tools which will help you. I will share a post regarding these tools. They cost a little bit but that’s ok but they cut a ton of your work.
  4. Always publish unique post:- try to publish unique post every time or with unique keyword’s or information with a particular part of the thing. For an instane, Samsung’s latest smart phone galaxy “S8” and “S8 PLUS” on 21 April, 2017 which rocked the market and put tough competition for apple Iphone 7 and 7 plus, Google pixel and many more. Now, there are about 20 site’s who will show the same specification of the phone as 20 other will show. Now at this stage, you have two option’s :-
  5. Either just after the release of the phone update the information of the phone on your blog. This will help in your blog’s publicity as you are the first person to post specification’s of the phone and Google will show your blog at first and then other’s.
  6. Second option is quite simple and good. Now if 20 blog’s are showing same full phone specification on the search. if people are getting the same news as the other blog’s are getting so why would they visit your blog? Give them some reason to visit your blog. For ex. If everyone is publishing the same then you are the only to publish different about the phone. For example publish the post specifically about the camera feature’s of the phone which will give the people a reason to visit your blog. After collecting a good information about the other specification publish them too. This will help you in increasing traffic on your blog.
  7. Post about the trending thing’s in the world:- “ trending is the need of the hour” in blogging. The more trending you publish the more traffic you get .either you make the thing trending, which is quite difficult indeed. If you want to find the trending thing’s related to your blog niche the you can ask Pintrest for the same. It’s a website which analize the data and then show best result about the trending. It’s very simple to search just write the word related to your niche and you will get the best topic’s.
  8. Don’t use google adsense on your blog after your blog get’s settled:- it’s good to use google adsense on your blog, when your blog has just started to get a good amount of traffic. The payment option’s of the google adsense is very good and fast. But the pay is low as compared to affiliate marketing. For example if you are earning about $20-$100 per day by affiliate marketing you will earn less than the affiliate marketing through adsense. If you want to earn high start creating your e-book or course book or course video. This method is the best way to earn more money than any other mean.

These are the some of the best ways to create a perfect blog. If you know any other good way’s please comment or if you liked the post please share, comment and like. Do follow us on medium as well for further updates!