WordPress accompanies 28% of the total sites on the internet. It seems to be a big number. Do wordpress does the same thing for you? If yes, you might have used different plugins sometimes the plugins increased your blog’s appearence, sometime it decreased your blog’s appearence

Some plugins that you may have used might be false plugins. It definitely pissed you up (I know).

Yes, that can be possible as wordpress comprises of 46,000 plugins.

You might have taken help from google hitting the search box with the keyword or line ”best plugins for wordpress” and numerous number of blogs and websites come across your sight.

Now you start visiting the results one by one, some show these plugins are good, some show that plugins are good and blah blahh… You are not able to rectify which plugins are best for your website.

After hours of research, you finally make your report about best plugins but then you come to know that the plugins you choose were best in 2014 or 2015.

It’s just like spilling coffee on your favourite shirt. Some of the plugins are evergreen plugins. They never get outdated

You start you research again and search for long hours. This whole process take alot of time and it also pisses off!

Sometimes, these such activities makes the moral of a person down. Sometimes people get disscouraged from blogging and leave blogging.

So to help you guys, I have wrote this article to help you.

Here’s a list of best plugins and the most grossed evergreen plugins, which will help you blog/website more effective.

Let’s start the article with a quote to motivate ourselves. Some nice lines said by legendary blogger “neil patel”.

“ if you want to countinuosly grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on consistent basis.”

Let’s get started…



Yoast SEO :- Yoast SEO is one of the best and high rated plugins on the list of wordpress plugins. It is one of the most used plugins in the wordpress history.

So, what does Yoast SEO do?

Yoast SEO is one of the plugins which help you drive traffic towards your blog/website, if you use it correctly.

Yoast SEO is available to its users in 2 variants,i.e., paid and free.

You can get the paid service for your blog in just $89 per year.

Now you might be thinking, why to use a paid one as I have a free version.

So here’s a difference between paid and free version:-

1. keyword optimization

Yoast SEO premium-

Upto 5 keyword for each page.

Yoast SEO free-

Only 1 keyword

2. preview of your page

Yoast SEO premium-

Review by Google, Facebook and twiter

Yoast SEO free-

Review done by google only.

3. Readiblity check

Yoast SEO premium-

They automatically analyze the readability of the copy you wrote and calculate the Flesch Reading Ease score.

Yoast SEO free-

Check yourself

4. Full control over your breadcrumb

Before starting, let us know more about breadcrumb:

Breadcrumbs are links that allow a user to track their path from the page they are currently viewing to the home page of your website.

They appear close to the top of your page and reflect the structure of your site.

From now you can take it as an helper in increasing your ranking factor.

I will be sharing a seperate article for how to use breadcrumps and how they help.

Yoast SEO premium-

You can set a primary category for your post, and determine the taxonomy for every single page on your website.

Yoast SEO free-

Check yourself.

5. No duplicate content

Yoast SEO premium-

Avoid confusing Google with duplicate content, by setting canonical URLs.

Yoast SEO free-

Check yourself.

6. Technical stuff in the background

Yoast SEO premium-

It doesn’t matter whether you know about robots. txt, .htaccess files, clean permalink URLsor sitemaps – Yoast SEO makes sure your technical configuration rolls out the red carpet for search engines.

Yoast SEO free-

Check yourself!

7. Content insights

Yoast SEO premium-

We show you the 5 words or phrases you use the most on your page, to check if they’re a match with your chosen keywords.

Yoast SEO free-

You have do it on your own.

8. redirect manager

Yoast SEO premium-

Easily redirect old URLs to new ones. So you don’t lose visitors because they get stuck on a 404 Not Found page.

Yoast SEO free-

You have to do it yourself

9. 24/7 support

Yoast SEO premium-

You can contact them anytime you want through e-mails or live chat.

Yoast SEO free-

You can only find your answers through FAQs.

10. Ad-free

Yoast SEO premium-

It is add free

Yoast SEO free-

You will see ads again and again.

These are the difference’s between paid and free version. To know more you can check out their personal site- Yoast SEO



Akismet:- Akismet is the next plugin that makes place in this list. It is a free plugin that anyond can use, although it comes with a paid version too, the free version isn’t making a lot of difference’s. Akismet is the one of the must require plugin for your blog. They play a huge role in helping you.

So now, you might be thinking what Akismet plugin performs that it made this article.

Akismet helps to you to remove spam comments from your blog.

Before moving further, you might be thinking what is spam comments.

Yes you might have listen a lot about spam comments like spam here, spam there, but what is spam, this is what we need to know.

Spam comments are the sort of fake comments.


They are the type of comments that are produced by a machine or something like that and somehow produce some irrelevant comments, which ultimately makes your post wall look bad.

Yes, you can control them manually but it becomes very hectic.

Akismet plugin do it for you for free as well as they have paid version.

Free version are for those who own a personal blog or a non- commercial site.

They provide all the features which they provide in the paid version.

But if you have a commercial blog you will have to pay for it.

You can check the following by going to the official site to know more. Check out:-
plans for akismet

Read our article :-best wordpress security tips and plugins



Contact form 7:- Imagine for a while that you are selling a product or conduction any competition. Now, Imagine yourself as buyer for a minute.

Why would you buy my product half mindedly when you are paying me money?

You have some queries, this is when you need the help of FAQ.

Now, you have a query that is not in the FAQs. It neither mentioned anywhere in the article. Now what will you do.

If the buyer dosen’t get his answer he will not buy your product for sure.

So, here’s what CONTACT FORM 7 makes its role. Contact form 7 creates a form like this.

You can create more forms like this.

Contact form 7 is free and very good. Whenever someone sign up and fills the forms and send their query.

Contact form 7 makes sure that you get their E-mail which later helps you to send your new post article through e-mail.

wp super cache :- wp super cache can be called as a life saver for you and your blog. This is one of the most grossing plugins in terms of reducing your page load time.

Before continuing, you should be familiar what will happen if you are page no time is less. Let’s try to understand it with example.

Let’s say that you are visiting this site for the first time. You click on the link for the first time to visit my blog.

You click the link and find that it takes hell lot of time to open my blog.

You may go back without visiting my blog. But if my page load time is quick and my blog opens in just one or two seconds you will definitely visit my blog.

Do you know that your page rank up Google results only if it has less page load time.

WP super cache does this work for you. WP super cache is free to use.

Q- how does WP super cache works?

A- now you might be thinking about how does this plugin works. This plugin create your page into HTML static page.

Now, another question arises that what are HTML static page?

According to pc.net , “Static” means unchanged or constant, while “dynamic” means changing or lively. Therefore, static Web pages contain the same prebuilt content each time the page is loaded, while the content of dynamic Webpages can be generated on-the-fly. StandardHTML pages are static Webpages

But a little tip: try to keep a original page for your regular visitors.

Page load time also can also be a cause of product sale.

Now, to help you guys a bit more here’s a list of some best page speed test sites.

Google pagespeed insights

KeyCDN speedtest

pingdom speedtest




…..and many more.


comment not replied :- comment not replied plugin is the next plugin that makes this list. This is a free plugin. This plugin can increase your ratings in the google search results.

Let me tell you how:

It is a type of one of the grossing plugins for the newbie, even the owner of the famous blog “ Shoutmeloud”, mr. Harsh agrawal, also uses it.

You may have just started a blog and you might started getting some traffic.

Read our article:- Tips and tricks to increase your traffic

So, people who love to comment and express their views for a following article, comment on your post.

So, it would be definitely great and very good looking thing, that if you reply them.

It might seems very easy in the starting as very few comments are written, and they can be easily targeted and you can reply them easily.

This seems easy in the starting, but when your blogs get more traffic.

It means more comments would come into action and definitely you want to reply them all.

This is where “comment not replied plugin” comes into action.

Once you open the notification panel you can see who has commented.

But it becomes difficult for you to trigger which comment have been replied and which has to be as all notifications seems to be shown.

comment not replied plugin” tells the blogger which comments hasen’t been replied and so that you can reply them all.

If users have great experience they will visit your site again and again it will make your rank higher in the results.

To know more you can visit their comment not replied plugin


Backupwordpress:- Backup is the thing you never want to compromise with.

You want to do backup as to make sure whenever you lose your data you need not to.

Backupwordpress is one of the grossing wordpress plugins.

Backupwordpress plugin comes in two varients,i.e., free and paid.

Here are the features of free Backupwordpress.
• Super simple to use, no setup required.
• Works in low memory, “shared host” environments.
• Manage multiple schedules.
• Option to have each backup file emailed to you.
• Uses zip and mysqldump for faster backups if they are available.

• Works on Linux & Windows Server.
• Exclude files and folders from your backups.
• Good support should you need help.

• Translations for Spanish, German, Chinese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Lithuanian, Italian, Czech, Dutch, French, Basque.

You can also opt for Backupwordpress premium for $120.

After this post I will be sharing a post about security plugins.


Buffer:- social media is the thing which can get tons of traffic and leads for you.

You can share it on facebook, twitter and other platforms.

Read our article- Tips and platforms to increase your traffic

The more you share the more traffic you get back .

I can also give you example for the same.

Here’s a screenshot of my day views.

You can see I got around 70 referals from social media.

Now coming to the back to the main topic. You also want to get traffic from them you have to be sharing on these platforms.

Now sharing your blog article makes it difficult and hectic for you.

You have to share them everyday.

This might can lead to delays in your content marketing.

Now, buffer can be like a life saviour for you.

Now, buffer automatically makes post on the behalf of you on various platforms.
What you need to do is just select the post which you want to post and the platform.

Now, buffer comes in two varients, i.e., free and paid. Here is a difference between the both.

Here’s a complete screenshot of Plans and Pricing:-


Brokenlinkcheck :- This is one of the plugins which can help you in doing good in SEO.

Let’s discuss how?

Maybe sometimes you link a site or any other sort of link but you fail to put it as right way.

Not because you don’t know how to paste link, it can be because of technical error.

No matter how it happens, its ultimately gonna cost you. This will help google to have a solid reason to put you down in the search results.

This is the thing that you don’t want on your blog.

So, question arises how to prevent this problem?

brokenlinkchecker, can help you in preventing that problem. It is a free plugin that every blogger should use.

Broken link checker let’s you know whenever you make a broken link. It let’s you know and you can fix them.

brokenlinkchecker can be a life saviour for bloggers.


jetpack:- jetpack is last but least plugin of this list. Jetpack is one of the plugin that I personally admire most.

The main motive to share at last as I wanted to tell you about the one of most of grossed plugin at last.

jetpack is multi-work tool that can work of several plugins, single handedly.

Jetpack can track stats for you. Jetpack also provides hundreds of free themes and back up as well.

Jetpack also records downtime for your blog in the month. Also, it can also help you in increasing your traffic.

Think how:

Jetpack shows the social media sharing buttons on your website in the single plugin.

Now, you may be thinking that you can add a plugin for it but do you that more plugins means more load on your server and it also means that it takes your blog more time to open.

Also, jetpack is a plugin that is made by the founder comapany of wordpress itself, i.e., automattic.

Jetpack comes in two varients, i.e., paid and free. You can know more about here. Check out:-jetpack plans and pricing

Jetpack can be a ultimate plugin for your


The above article was the list of best and grossed plugins of wordpress that can take your blog or website to new heights.

I will be adding new plugins to the articles. Also, I would be adding articles according to plugins list.

Also I will be launching a E-book(free) on the same topic where I will be adding more information about new plugins.

Till then wait for other articles and if you want to me to write a article of your choice ping me in the comment box or send me the topic to my e-mail, I will be taking action in the best way.

Please do like, share and subscribe the blog if you like the article.

Thank you.